Parenthesis Property

FORMAT: 20 x 5 minute Animated Web Series

STATUS: Season One Complete & Seeking Partnerships for Future Seasons

CREATED BY: Stephen Sloan


The girl who NEVER GREW UP introduces a boy who grew up too fast to a bizarre world of SURREAL NIGHTLIFE, larger than life characters, INTENSE personal experiences and teaches him to live life one party at a time, WHETHER HE WANTS TO OR NOT.

Watch Season One Here

Zero Promotion. One Million Views.

Developed by Sloan Motion Pictures and Blue Ant Media. PARENTHESIS HUMOR premiered on Mondo Media's highly successful YOU TUBE channel and quickly became a FAN FAVORITE.

 Garnering OVER 1 MILLION VIEWS and counting based on word of mouth alone. Parenthesis found her audience through fantastic characters with a fresh take on FRIENDSHIP, LIFESTYLE, SEXUALITY and all the other crap we deal with every day.

Not to mention the BEAUTIFUL and STYLISH artwork.


(Image Right: Fan reactions to an episode. There are hundreds of pages of these positive comments looking for more)

Not a day goes by that fans don't ask for more episodes.

Three initial episodes were produced and fan reaction was RABID. Thousands of comments telling us that Parenthesis was a BAD ASS, that they loved her take on the world and her constant poking fun at the insanity modern life.

Parenthesis is like a SUPERHERO fighting for freedom, if her superpower was an INDESTRUCTIBLE LIVER.

(Image Left: A collection of assorted Parenthesis fan art. To say that fans are obsessing over the character would be putting it mildly)

We're looking for PARTNERS that are interested in HIGH QUALITY animated goodness for a PROVEN AUDIENCE.

Be sure to let us know if you think you'd like to be in business with a FRESH, RELEVANT & IRREVERENT, BRASSY DAME like Parenthesis Humor.